Blues In Schools

Blues in Schools

Blues in Schools is a free educational outreach program preceding the Wiregrass Blues Festival each year. Blues-in-Schools includes workshops and performances by accomplished blues musicians for local students. Thus far, we have successfully reached over 8,000 students, teachers, and parents. During the program, children learn about the progression and history of blues music in the American South.

 In addition to the performances, participating schools receive a gift of instrumentation or monetary support for their music departments.

In 2020, we presented another successful Blues-in-Schools program to over 1,200, 5th and 6th grade students from various Dothan City Schools (DCS). The program was held at the Dothan Civic Center, and it was lead by the Festival’s headliner Teeny Tucker and moderator, Gil Anthony.

This year, we were happy to present the DCS system with a check for $3000 to buy instruments and supply other musical programming needs for Beverley Intermediate School.

Click below for more images and a complete history of our Blues-in-Schools program:

Blues In Schools History


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